
アメリカ授業レポート 理科が本当に面白い!


① ジェットコースターを設計する。




② エッグドロップ(卵を落としても割れない構造を設計)



Egg drop project
You MAY work independently or in a group of 2. No more than 2! (一人か二人で作る)
You may design a structure using ONLY the supplies listed above to protect a raw egg from a 2nd story drop. We are NOT launching the egg, simply dropping it out my classroom window. (生卵を2階から落としても割れない構造を以下の材料だけで作ること)
This project is a TEST GRADE. Grades are as follows:
o Egg survives with no cracks/damage = 100( ひびも入らなければ100点)10
o Egg is cracked but intact = 90 (ひびが入っても無事なら90点) 
o Egg has lost its innards = 80 (中身が出たら80点)
o Student uses more supplies than on list or uses supplies that are NOT on the list or creates an air resistance design = 75 (リスト以外の材料を使ったり、空気抵抗のある構造を作ったら75点)
o Student doesn’t participate, tries to “cheat the system”, shows no effort in creating a design (uses a boiled egg, puts an egg in a sandwich bag with some cotton balls, etc.) = 0 o (参加しなかったり不正をしたら0点)
If your structure is difficult to open after it’s dropped and it takes me morethan 3 minutes to cut it open to inspect your egg = minus 10 points

NO BUILDING or REDESIGN will be allowed on your drop day. I supply NOTHING. I will have to cut open your structure to inspect your egg after it’s dropped. Eggs and structures will be TRASHED at the end of the period. You may NOT take your structure or egg with you. So take a picture of it at home! (当日の設計変更不可。材料の提供もなし。落下後卵を検査します。持ち帰り不可)
BONUS +5pts
You may build and test at home as much as you wish. NO building or trials/tests at school at all. (試作と実験は家ですること、学校ではしない)
TAKE a picture of YOU building or launching your egg at home! You must be
IN the picture with your structure! Post the picture to Instagram with the hashtag #papadrop2016

Here is the list of approved materials. You do not have to use all of the materials, but you must use ONLY the materials from this list. (利用していい材料は以下の通り。全てを使う必要はないが、これ以外の材料を使ってはならない)

  •   One white large or extra-large raw chicken egg. You many not alter the egg!(白い殻の生卵、または、特大サイズの生卵 卵に細工をしてはならない!)
  •  Choose either 4 paper 5 oz. dixie cups  (make sure they are 5oz!)Or 3 toilet rolls(NO toilet paper on them!) 5オンスの紙コップ3個。またはトイレットペーパーの芯4本(ペーパーは付いていてはいけない)のどちらかを選ぶ。
    You may NOT use both – do NOT mix cups and paper rolls! One or the other but NOT both!
  •   10 regular straws (straight or bendy) not coffee straws, stir sticks, Whataburger giant drinking straws, etc. Just plain ol’ straws! 普通のストロー10本
  •   25 wooden toothpicks pointy or flat tipped or rounded...don’t care! 25本の爪楊枝
  •   25 Popsicle sticks I don’t care what size you use. I also don’t care if they are plain or colored sticks. (25本のアイスキャンディースティック 棒製菓用、工作用に売ってます)
  •   10 cotton balls regular/jumbo...don’t care! You MAY “fluff”! (コットンの玉)
  •   1 sandwich bag - NOT gallon/quart/snack/etc! Just sandwich size!! WARNING!!! HEB sells extra- large sandwich bags! DO NOT USE! The box is labelled extra-large or large sandwich bags! NO! (サンドイッチ用の小さなジップロック)
  •   1 meter of string/yarn you MAY cut up into smaller lengths (糸か毛糸1m)
  •   50 cm of masking OR scotch tape no wider than 1 inch - (no duct tape/mailing tape/wider width/etc.) be careful here...I have seen some kids projects who used an entire ROLL of tape! You want to cut off 50 cm and work with only that strip of tape. Not pull off strips and forget how much you’ve used. (マスキングテープかセロテープ50cm)
  •   6 rubber bands I don’t care about color, size, etc. (輪ゴム 6本)
  •   10 paperclips (no size specification) You MAY change the shape. (ゼムクリップ10本 形を変えてもいい)
  •   Glue (Elmer’s, Gorilla glue, hot glue, super glue) No construction adhesive! You may NOT coat your egg or glue anything to your egg! (のり 木工用ボンド、瞬間接着剤は使用可能。 建築用接着剤は禁止。
  • You may NOT use the glue, tape, string, or anything else to strengthen your egg!! Glue, tape, string, etc. is for either holding your structure together or for packing material. You may not adhere anything to your egg. Your egg may be surrounded by supplies, but they may NOT be glued or taped to your egg. (のりやテープで卵を補強してはいけない。卵に何も接着してはいけない。卵は材料で覆われていてもいいが、のりやテープで接着してはいけない)
    You may NOT design a parachute, wings, or ANYTHING designed to “CATCH” the air to slow the descent!! パラシュートや羽などで空気を捉える構造は禁止。Your structure may be NO LARGER than 12x12x12 inches. 大きさは12インチ以内


③ 板書はパワーポイントで、頻繁にビデオを見る。

Bill Nye the science guy というシリーズです。生徒たちはこの時間が大好きで、オープニングの歌は思わずみんな口ずさんじゃうそうです。これは日本にもありそうですね。
NHKの10min box も確かに素晴らしいとは思いますが、やっぱり授業中は笑いたいですよね。

④ テスト


生物 (顕微鏡の構造と役割 生物の分類細胞の構造、)
物理 (エネルギーの移動熱の移動
地学 (太陽系の星とその特徴



シンガポール留学 2016年夏を実施します。 