平日はテレビ局で働き、日曜日に英語を教えています。やることがたくさんあるので、結局、Basic(2級受験者)コース、Advanced コース(準1級 TOEFL受験者)を13時から17時までブレイクアウトルームで並行して教えています。17時からは海外からの学生たちが入ってきてくれます。ブレイクアウトルームに分けて、10分間、時間を取ると、いつも「話し足りなーい」という声。グループを変えて他の話題を与えます。2級以上になると、いろんなことが話せるようになりますね。前回は8時過ぎまで喋っていました。
Raheen Fatima
I work at TV stations on weekdays and teach English on Sundays. As there are so many things to teach, I teach 2 levels(CEFR A2 and B1) simultaneously from 1pm to 7pm! After 5pm, international students join my class to interact with my students. I make small groups and allocate them to breakout rooms. As my students' English proficiency is quite high, 10-minute group talk is not enough, then I reshuffle the groups and give them other topics.
The special guest of last Sunday was
Raheen Fatima
, she is an actress, a stand-up comedian, entrepreneur, writer, English teacher with 8000 followers on FB, and to everyone's surprise, she is 12 years old! She is very fluent in English and inspired us a lot.Both Singaporean and Pakistani speak English very fast. It's hard for Japanese students to catch up with them, but I know that this high-speed training improves their listening skills.
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